Experiencing and managing challenges as one
Inspiring and enabling others to make a positive difference
Not only great in theory, but fantastic in practice!
A world where mental health is an everyday conversation, and nobody is ashamed or embarrassed about having a mental illness.

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Employees experience poor mental health with work being a contributing factor
Having systems and support in place reduces disruptions to individuals and teams whilst increasing productivity and employee happiness.
How much is increased happiness and productivity worth to you?
Estimated cost per employee with poor mental health
Sick days, increased staff turnover and lower productivity resulting from poor mental health cost UK employers an estimated £90bn last year. Aside from the moral reasons for looking after employees’ well-being, employers also have a genuine financial incentive for doing so.
Potential return on investment in mental health programs
Employers can see a return of up to £9 per £1 invested in mental health and well-being programs.
Not only is there a financial incentive to invest in employees mental well-being, but also a moral one in the increased happiness and productivity of individuals and teams.
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Employees calling in sick due to poor mental health give a different reason
With a lack of understanding surrounding mental health and the stigma of talking about it, often employees take sick days due to poor mental health without sharing how they feel. With systems and better understanding in place, you make it easier to monitor employee well-being and provide the necessary support.
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